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Making AI useful for all businesses

Any business can benefit from artificial intelligence. 

There is an almost infinite amount of information available in the world. To make it accessible and useful for all businesses, information must be organized.                                                            Artificial intelligence is transforming business, offering new, useful ways of applying it. Helping sustainable, competitive operation. 

Why aicoon.co?

No two businesses are alike. There can be significant differences even within a single industry. These differences require a unique solution.

At the same time, there are industry characteristics that serve as a basis for the businesses operating in it.


  • uses industry specifics and customizes it for businesses.
  • makes business processes more sustainable
  • increases the competitiveness of the enterprise

AI developments

Artificial intelligence is an emerging technology that brings fascinating and useful benefits to entrepreneurs and society through its ability to simplify and facilitate processes in almost all areas of business.

It is conceivable that, in this way, businesses can contribute to the management of the most urgent social challenges. Be it food production, marketing, car manufacturing or healthcare.

AI is constantly evolving and changing. This process also has ever-changing complexity and risks. Due to the management of these risks, it is essential to treat each industry and within it each business as a separate unit and to support it with industry-specific AI developments.


Our Healthcare developments

Our healthcare developments meet many components of the health technology assessment, such as:

clinical and economic burden, unmet medical need, public health priority, health impact in the real world (efficacy), cost effectiveness, budget impact, fairness aspects, legal aspects, social aspects, infrastructural and organizational aspects.

With our healthcare developments, the failure of medtech innovations can be avoided because

technology does not hide the risk of failure,

most likely the interest and willingness to purchase of healthcare payers

short commissioning time.



The app makes it easy for healthcare businesses to become known, acquire new patients, and retain old patients

Inadequate digital presence of healthcare and healthcare facilities. Little and irrelevant information can be found online, even though patients are becoming more aware and need information tailored to specific health problems. Preferably at the local level.



Regardless of the nature of the healthcare institution, the delivery of targeted digital information that meets local needs to patients,

Increasing the reputation of the institution,

Increased patient satisfaction,

Seamless patient care,

sustainable healthcare,

improvement of competitiveness,

knowledge transfer.




The healthcare sector is faced with a serious challenge due to the continuous labor shortage and the retention and motivation of a dedicated workforce

The level of healthcare in the 21st century also depends on the acceptance and quality of properly trained healthcare workers.  It would be necessary to assign employees according to their own needs and abilities, as well as to meet the employer’s expectations.



The development of a „good public atmosphere, a sense of well-being” at the workplace – a more satisfied employee,

Workforce retention, increase in commitment,

An increase in the level of cooperation and a decrease in conflicts in individual groups, 

Raising the standard of health care, 

Human-centered healthcare service,

Sustainable healthcare,

Improvement of competitiveness .





The methodology helps to reduce and prevent health damage caused by lack of love, loneliness, and stress

It is a problem that the lack of love/loneliness affects a quarter of humanity, which causes serious damage to physical and mental health. Damage to health affects GDP (due to lost labor and other economic factors), and its treatment causes additional costs in the health sector. 



Measurable reduction in the number of people affected by stress,

Reduction of the harmful effects of stress,

Increasing feel-good hormones within the body (such as oxytocin),

Decreased number of patients with diabetes, heart and vascular system,

Defeat infections more successfully,

Increasing the standard of health care,

Human-centered healthcare service.

Implementation from idea…

I am Andrea Koza, owner and managing director of Press & Risk Service Kft.

I have been working in the online world for years (Public Relations, education, search engine optimization). I find that even in this environment crowded with information, there is always room for new and newer ideas.

AI brings a kind of revolution in the implementation of ideas and the organization of information. Advances in AI will have a transformative impact on many industries, including healthcare, security, energy, transportation, manufacturing, education and entertainment.

The right prompt sequence leads to simpler data collection and data organization. It facilitates the connection of different processes, opening up new paths and opportunities. As a result, previously separate processes gain a new meaning. It also helps to understand the connections of the content seen and read on a larger scale.

AI improves competitiveness and knowledge transfer. It strengthens employee loyalty and competitiveness, increasing the company’s reputation.

A company that does not take advantage of these advantages will fall behind and be at a disadvantage compared to its competitors. With our AI developments, we want to help businesses simplify their processes and increase the transparency of their operations. 

Andrea Koza   Owner – Press & Risk Service Kft.

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